Policies, Codes & Reports


Powerex employees and our trade and procurement activities are governed by a number of corporate and industry policies and codes of conduct including:

Powerex Trading Code of Conduct

Our trade activities are governed by the Trading Code of Conduct, which is applicable to all Powerex employees.

Powerex Risk Management Policy

All trading and related activities at Powerex are conducted within the limits and controls specified by the Powerex Risk Management Policy which is approved by its Board of Directors. Requirements within the Policy are implemented through various subordinate committees, procedures and controls. These, together with other key regulatory compliance instruments and reporting requirements, ensure that Powerex manages its risks appropriately to meet the expectations of its Board, shareholder and applicable regulatory bodies.


BC Hydro Code of Conduct

The Powerex Board of Directors, Executive Management Team and Powerex employees are also bound by the BC Hydro Code of Conduct.  The code provides general guidance on standards of conduct, including guidelines on conflict of interest, as well as requirements associated with confidential information, entertainment and gifts, environment and safety, and the use of BC Hydro property.

The guidelines applicable to contractors are now contained in a separate document, the Contractor Standards for Ethical Conduct. These guidelines are applicable to BC Hydro and Powerex contractors, consultants and suppliers, and describe procedures for exemptions.


BC Hydro Standards of Conduct (Transmission)

BC Hydro provides open and non-discriminatory access to its high voltage transmission system for all third parties, including Powerex.  More information about BC Hydro transmission may be found at BC Hydro.

Some information about BC Hydro's transmission activities could, if available to a third party, give that third party an unfair advantage in the electricity market.  Sometimes this information needs to be shared with employees of BC Hydro.  BC Hydro employees must keep this information confidential and a Standards of Conduct (SOC)  has been established to ensure that this legal requirement is understood and followed.

The SOC embodies a "no-conduit" prohibition which prohibits BC Hydro employees from disclosing its non-public transmission information to persons who should not receive it, including other employees of BC Hydro or Powerex.


Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act Report

We report on the steps taken to prevent and reduce the risks of forced or child labour in our supply chains. Powerex’s Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act report – Fiscal 2024 was prepared in accordance with the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, S.C. 2023, c.9.



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