Submissions & Comments

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Title Date Type
File type icon - Comments CER EPAC TSP Extension Request PWX Letter of Comment
Canadian Regulatory Bodies (CER, ECCC) | Natural Gas
17 Sep 2020 Comments
File type icon - Comments BPA TC-22, BP-22 and EIM Phase III August 25-26 Workshops - Transmission Losses
Bonneville Power Administration | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Transmission
14 Sep 2020 Comments
File type icon - Comments BPA TC-22, BP-22 and EIM Phase III August 26 Workshop - Treasury Payment Probability
Bonneville Power Administration | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Transmission
10 Sep 2020 Comments
File type icon - Proposal BPA TC-22, BP-22, and EIM Powerex's Draft Proposal for EIM Charge Code Allocation Sep 4
Bonneville Power Administration | Wholesale Electricity - Transmission, Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
04 Sep 2020 Proposal
File type icon - Comments CAISO RT Settlement Review Issue Paper and Straw Proposal
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
04 Sep 2020 Comments