Submissions & Comments

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Title Date Type
File type icon - Comments Powerex Comments on SPP Markets+ Governance Straw Proposal
SPP | Wholesale Electricity - General
15 Jul 2022 Comments
File type icon - Comments CAISO Extended Day-Ahead Market Straw Proposal Comments
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) | Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
16 Jun 2022 Comments
Featurd Paper The Importance of Fast Start Pricing In Market Design - June 2022
Others | Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets, Natural Gas
16 Jun 2022 Featured Paper
Featurd Paper Applying GHG-Pricing Programs in Western Organized Markets - June 2022
Others | Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets, Environmental - General, Environmental - Carbon
16 Jun 2022 Featured Paper
File type icon - Comments CAISO Flexible Ramping Product Refinements Implementation Update Comments
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) | Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
26 May 2022 Comments