Submissions & Comments

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Title Date Type
File type icon - Comments CPUC IRP (R1602007) Proposed Reference System Plan
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Capacity
27 Nov 2019 Comments
EIM Entities Comments icon CAISO EDAM Issue Paper
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
22 Nov 2019 EIM Entities Comments
File type icon - Comments BPA Curtailment Methodology for Dynamic Transfers Comments
Bonneville Power Administration | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Transmission
21 Nov 2019 Comments
Featurd Paper 100% Clean Energy Standard - Powerex Discussion Paper
Others | Wholesale Electricity - General, Environmental - General, Environmental - Carbon, Environmental - Renewables and Clean
20 Nov 2019 Featured Paper
Rehearing CPUC RA Rulemaking (R1709020) Application for Rehearing
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Capacity
18 Nov 2019 Rehearing