Submissions & Comments

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Title Date Type
File type icon - Presentation CAISO Regional Issues Forum – System Market Power in CAISO BAA             
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) | Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets, Wholesale Electricity - General
27 Aug 2019 Presentation
Motion to Intervene Icon FERC CASIO Real-Time Imbalance Energy Offset (ER19-2497)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
20 Aug 2019 Motion to Intervene
File type icon - Comments CAISO CPM Soft Offer Cap Draft Straw Proposal
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Capacity, Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
20 Aug 2019 Comments
File type icon - Comments CPUC IRP (R1602007) Reply on Potential Reliability Issues
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Capacity
12 Aug 2019 Comments
PNW Joint Answer Icon FERC CAISO Local Market Power Mitigation (ER19-2347)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) | Wholesale Electricity - General, Wholesale Electricity - Organized Markets
08 Aug 2019 PNW Joint Answer